Thursday, December 18, 2008

oh dear bloggg

I have put you on the back-burner for quite some time in order to concentrate on my hefty load of school work. but never fear, because I am DONE WITH COLLEGE and now I have all the time in the world.

I was feeling quite emosh today. I cried during my scene in Character Development because I'm awesome/I was in so deep with my character that the tears just started flowin, yo. I also just cried at last Sunday's Postsecret GO READ IT TOO you cold heartless bitches.

so the question is, where do I go from here??

Thursday, November 13, 2008

my dad was tote right.

"You will meet people who will try to manipulate you for their own aggrandizement. They will be intrusive and demanding and very good at doing what they do. Do not give in to them... They are evil and not worthy of your respect."

Sunday, November 9, 2008

at the end of your low...

The ghost in the theater is keeping me on my toes!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

the honorary title are ridic

"Please don't allow your voice to fade,
to fall so weak to fault or blame,
to give yourself reason for an end."

I feel...

I think it's time for a hair makeover.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

an epiphany:

Sometimes I think I don't possess the normal social skills needed to survive in this world... like I get anxiety around big groups of people ESPECIALLY girls I don't know so I just remain creepily quiet and/or say something really strange/sarcastic by accident and then they look at me like I'm weird. Girls just make me so damn nervous! Also when people say "How are you?" I say "good" without asking them how they are because I forget and besides I know they're just going to say "good" whether or not they actually are.
BUT THEN I see a giant nail in the parking lot and I pick it up so someone won't get a hole in their tire which is awesome and very considerate.

Monday, October 27, 2008


HI GUYS I am really ruling at my new job and my play (not so much school) but I'm just so busy that I never have time to blog about the important matters or ride my bike.
at times like this i have to remember the Tim Allen Smith manifesto: DON'T STRESS, IT DOESN'T MATTER. it really doesn't. that's all.

ps: I'm going to bed around 9. YEP, THAT'S YOUTHFUL!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

things that are hilarious:

With the fast-approaching Sunday from Hell (which is now seemingly turning into the week from hell), I have decided to compile a short list of things that are hilarious to keep my mind off my killer work/school/rehearsal schedule:

1. There is this guy in my play Daniel who's just about the funniest person I've ever seen. Well Vanna is our stage manager, and for those of you who don't know Vanna, she is quite controlling and well mean (but she's really actually okay when she's not being stage manager). Anyway Daniel was making a hilarious face and shaking and Vanna walks up to him with her arms crossed b/c god forbid we have any fun backstage, ,and just stands there and glares at him. I'm pretty sure she was talking when he slowly started to lift up his shirt all the way up and play with his nipples and smile, I was about to pee in my pants.

2. My brother and I were talking about how funny it is to change pet names because it would confuse them so much, and then we about died laughing when we thought about just switching their names around, like Osiris would be Garp, Chuck would be Alf, Mimzy would be Oz, etc. HAHAHA

3. Also last night some cool dudes and I were talking about old videos we used to watch when we were little, and we all remembered this one sing-along with Dusty (Gusty?) the elf who needed glasses, it was my favorite movie when I was little, that and the Disneyland one. I remembered bits and pieces of it, but one guy Sam (no not my bro) remembered the words to the songs and I thought that was hilarious.
Yep, all those things are hilarious.

Now I wish sleep was something you could stock up on.. that would be awesome and convenient. I am fully expecting to hate my life starting Sunday and ending Thursday night. Sometimes I feel like when I have so much to do, I can't possibly choose WHAT to do, so I just don't do anything. That is a horrible idea and usually gets me in trouble... similar to the "getting more sleep is more important than studying" plan, which Allison and I used to follow when we had a choice between going to bed unnecessarily early and studying/doing homework, because really whats the point if you don't get abundant sleep??

Monday, October 13, 2008


I know you all are so bummed that I haven't updated in so long but I've been CRAZY BUSY with work, school, rehearsal...
I am just writing to inform you that I AM WATCHING UNSOLVED MYSTERIES RIGHT NOW! Oh how I've missed the unsolved deaths, the haunting ghosts, the alien sightings, the cheezy reinactments.. I used to schedule my classes around this show, and then it (mysteriously!) disappeared from television, but, now it is back, and that just makes me ecstatic.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I almost forgot!...

Here is a list of careers I wouldn't mind having:
Fashion Designer
Graphic Designer
Art Therapist
Animal Therapist
Animal Behaviorist
Social Psychologist
Casting Director

I'm sure there are more.. I am just starting to explore my (very expensive) options...

oh hey weekend

guyz I really wish I was at ACL right about now< I mean I love you BAND OF HORSES but I also love hanging out in my bathing suit from AA all day.


OK FUCK the fucking Kings of fucking Leon are brill/perf/awes/amaz. I want Only by the Night inside my blood right now, I crave it, I can't stop listening to it, especially Cold Desert which is the most emosh(!ha) song I have heard in.. I don't know. This album is quickly making its way to Dog Problems/Clarity/Deja Entendu/Scream and Light Up the Sky status with me.

Ok last time I did a play at BPCC I had friends and talked, yeah, now its like only about two or three people actively engage in conversation with me..well they'll small-talk during rehearsal but eh. It could be because I just sit there and bite my nails the whole time, although it's a catch 22 unforch. There's this one guy who just stares at me creepily, one girl is a lying whore who feels the need to sit on guys' laps instead of just in her own damn chair. I like everyone else.

I really need to go to the grocery store and get some milk right now, yesterday I ran out so I tried to mix it with soy milk and UEHGHGGHH NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!

PS Game Night Sunday

Monday, September 22, 2008


uhh ever since I got the super duper media package for my CrackBerry I have not been getting on my computer very often, hence no blogs. But all that is about to change because it takes me too damn long to scroll through the websites on my phone (although it is good for "what movie was that guy in?")

Ok, to add to that last blog, I'd like to mention these ladies who remind me that I'm straight because I hate women:
Angelina Jolie (ok when she made out w her bro, but now she's a husband-stealer)
Scarlett Johanson (ok in like 2 movies, everything else I refuse to see b/c she's in it)
Juliette Lewis (ok in The Other Sister, which is a documentary about her life)

Here is what's going on with me at the moment:

Absolutely Nothing

GREAT RIGHT? blahh well ok, maybe a couple of things, like I might be (hopefully) getting a second job at Starbucks. I might be going to graduate school. I don't know yet, it's a big deal.

Oh yeah I need these cds:
Kings of Leon, comes out tomorrow, I watched the video when I was up at 5 something this morning and they are singing clearer than ever before
Jack's Mannequin, brill
and these movies:
Young at Heart
Purple Rain

there's my shopping list. Aren't you glad I told you

Monday, September 8, 2008

Girls that are H O T and I'm not a lesbian:

seriously though, if I WAS a lez, I would like these fine ladies:

Adriana Lima
Ashlee Simpson
Mandy Moore
Christina Aguilera
Megan Ewing
Megan Fox
Camilla Belle
Nicole Richie

Friday, September 5, 2008

Notes on teeth-brushing

The guy on Martin's brain-age game (which I played a lot in California and I'm having withdrawals, someone please buy me a Nintendo DS) told me that it would stimulate my pre-frontal cortex if I brushed my teeth with my non-dominant hand. I tried it this morning and it is FUCKING HARD/IMPOSSIBLE. I couldn't successfully complete the job; I had to switch back to my regular hand to ensure adequate brushing. You guys should try it, let me know how it goes for you.

Also I've been meaning to try this phenomenon called brushing your teeth in the shower. I just love multi-tasking, especially in the morning when I'm moving at an extra slow pace to get ready for school... brushing my teeth in the shower could be just what I need!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tim the Gymnast:

here i am...

during this LOVELY hurricane weather which I am enjoying at the moment (it has been contantly raining since last night) and while school is cancelled, I've decided to work on my ideas/inventions:

1. fortune tampons
2. no-no camel-toe.. I'm not sure what it is yet. but it will def be available for purchase at American Apparel, you know once I get the patent and design and blah blah blah
3. a book told from the point of view of the headless horseman... kind of like Wicked and that one about Scrooge
4. a fashion line inspired entirely by Clarissa from Clarissa Explains It All. also this could develop into a furniture/room design. damn she was badass

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I fucking love Brand New, I can't get enough.

Also I have renamed my fave celeb couples (see previous post) Bistine and Courtavid. I have also rounded out my top 3 with Spencer and Heidi from the Hills. They CRAZY! Brill!

ok... I work tonight

OH last night I saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail at RFC, I've never seen it before, it was ok funny but not hilarious. I want to see the sing-a-long version of Mamma Mia, but not as much as Chris does. You're welcome, Chris.

Friday, August 29, 2008


My favorite celebrity couple is Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor, with David Arquette and Courtney Cox coming in at a close second.
All the others suck.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

first day of school fall 08

Ohhh Lizzie, this is your last semester in college.
I began the day with Twentieth Century United States, aka my required core curriculum that I would NEVER have chosen to take. My prof started out by playing The Times They Are A-Changing and then proceeded to give the best fucking first day of school speech I've ever heard. I mean this was really a speech speech, he's awesome and hilarious and actually makes me care about what I'm going to be learning.

Oh then I took a break and ate lunch with my boyzz Chris Ken and Jesse at Sunshine.

THEN I had Directing. It was ok but we didn't do much the first day as usual. I am going to be awesome at that class I know it. I have the same prof for that class and Character Development. She started out that class by talking shit about another student that wasn't there, yeah mature and professional right? Well maybe not talking shit but she definitely talked and strongly indicated that she didn't care for TWO students, and does everyone chime in yes they do, except me and Leah and some quiet people. I want to be like "why are yall such bitches" based on their criteria for gossiping about someone (she missed a lot of classes last year I guess?) well how do they know why she was missing class? it's just annoying and I'm over it

Last night I auditioned for ANOTHER play at BPCC this time. I really liked doing Dracula there and I wanted to do another one. I'll know if I'm in by tomorrow. I hope I'm in the chorus, which I used to always hate because I never got leads. But now I'm ok with knowing that acting is not my strong suit and just being in the background acting retarded but still getting to wear an awesome costume is just fine with me.

Today I have to buy textbooks and supplies. Usually I take care of that before school actually starts but I'm slacking already.

And do homework! ahhh I have homework already... For my acting class I have to act out two minutes of my daily life. I have no idea what to do?? WELL I GUESS I WILL GO WORK ON THAT NOW OK BYE

Sunday, August 24, 2008

i already left

I went to Houston hopeful and determined, and the ride home was fucking shitty because my mood had shifted to entirely discouraged. That was what I wanted more than anything.
I hate really really really wanting something and then not getting it. wtf

Ohhh well.. in other news, I have to announce that "natural" toothpaste AND deoderant definitely DO NOT WORK. I was trying to save the earth but.. no...

I have another audition tonight, for a play at Centenary. I'm kind of over the worrying and stressing, so I really don't care at this point. BLAH BLAH BLAH it would be cool to do another play before I graduate, but if not then WHAT EV and i'm over it

ok bye

Thursday, August 21, 2008

life today

Right now I am in a place where I have too many things to worry about and I'm a little stressed. Please someone feed me a chill pill.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

how could I forget!

My brother's girlfriend reminded me of the super hardcore earthquake I experienced on my first day in California. Here's how it went down:

Approx. 11 am (actually I have no idea what time it was but 11 am sounds right) in Tim's bedroom in North Hollywood.

Earthquake: *rumble rumble*
Lizzie's thoughts (still confused from the time change and still tired from her stressful flight): wtf, why is my bed shaking? Tim is that you? oh great, an earthquake... please be dreaming... please be dreaming... please be dreaming... if I just lie very still I can pretend this never happened
Tim: Lizzie, wake up, we just had an earthquake!
Lizzie: Holy fucking shit what the fucking fuck
everyone else in the apt: OMG AN EARTHQUAKE OMG LET'S TURN ON THE NEWS

The end.

Friday, August 15, 2008

oh hey shreveport


My first shower in my own bathroom and my first night in my own bed were suprisingly uneventful. Also getting back on this central time/actual human-being time (meaning not staying up until 3am) was unusually easy. Coming home was just blahhh, I'm very much over this city and I want to be somewhere else.
The ONLY cool thing was seeing my parents and my animals. My cat Mimzy has not left my side, she crazzy.

Well now I have the incredibly sucky task of unpacking. My suitcase was way over the weight limit and I had to pay extra! Yuck

California was generally awesome, aside from the occasional being left at Tim's apartment alone.. which wasn't really that bad because I can walk to the ever-convenient metro from there! I did a shitload of walking. And partying/clubbing/nighttiming. HA JUST KIDDING
I took about a zillion pictures, you will see them someday.

Prob my fave thing was Disneyland, yes I had this sing-along tape when I was little that showed these kids going there and riding all the rides and singing. So of course I had to sing the songs at the rides, I mean who doesn't associate the Matterhorn and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad with Zippety-Do-Dah. Actually that song should always be associated with having any kind of fun. My brother and I used to sing it while we swung on our backyard swing (RIP my dog tore it down) and GET THIS CREATIVE TID-BIT. We replaced the word "bluebird" with "penisbird" aren't we cute.

The other tied-for-favorite thing I did was the HONORARY TITLE AND NEW FRONTIERS show. It was brill.

I also: went to a Dodger's game, went to the Laugh Factory, ate tons of delicious food, shopped til I dropped, went clubbin' fo real, saw Conor Oberst and Dr. Dog at Amoeba, got discovered on the beach, and met new friends. It was a beautiful 2+ weeks.

But now I am here and Chris gets home tomorrow. Maybe today. I work tomorrow. I start school soon. blahh

Thursday, August 7, 2008


i foresee big changes

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Welcome to California Lizzie! *earthquake*

Tomorrow: New Frontiers, Honorary Title, Paper Rival

Monday: Conor Oberst

Monday, July 28, 2008

goodbye shla

It's about 4:30 AM and I'm so damn nervous about going to California that I cannot sleep! I get really anxious about travelling sometimes.

I'm still not packed fully. By fully I mean I haven't completely emptied out my suitcase from the last trip I went on. But I have like all my clothes laid out, LUCKILY my cats thought the pile of clothes was their nest to sleep on so now it's full of cat hair. Ugh

Since last time:
I finished my job! I have mixed feelings, you know bittersweet. Eh
I went to the gynocologist. I know that's not something to usually share but gynocologists have endless awkward situations and I can think of a million hilarious scenarios involving that stylish paper vest. Perhaps soon I will post a list of those, but not today my friends.
I turned 22!!! And my party was fab and suitable for a 12-year old, which is perfectly fine with me.

Don't you hate when you have a perfectly comfortable routine that you enjoy, but you don't even appreciate it until it's over forever?? I've been bummed about that lately, but it's a problem because I seem to thrive on change.

Anyway that's pretty much all I have to say at these wee hours, I'm planning on going back to sleep and waking up at 7 to finish getting my shitttt together.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

hi beautifuls

While I'm uploading a video to youtube, I thought, what a good time for a blog!
And all while my television is stuck on Family Channel. Well by stuck I mean my remote's batteries ran out and I refuse to take the 10 steps to my television to turn it off/change the channel. And oh what a weird show I am watching, it's about a pregnant girl.
Anyway I thought sharing my innermost thoughts with you lovely people would be a better idea. PLUS if you're lucky, my video will be completely uploaded by the time I'm done so you guys can watch it!! Yes!!
Although I don't know how far I'm going to get since my cats are insistent upon fighting right next to me and I have to keep holding them apart.
Do you like this rambling? Ok, I'll continue.

I have a cheesecake baking in the oven and a DJ meeting at 8. I heard "fucking" on the radio today, I'm thinking about telling because being a tattle-tale is hilarious. Once my manager Bonny and I laughed for like an hour about how funny it is to tell on people.

I will be 22 in 4 days, that feels really old to me even though it's not really that old. I think it's about time for my quarter-life crisis. Only I watched House last night so I'm sure I'll die either today or tomorrow in which case it is my full-life crisis.

I talked to my fab friend Paula last night and I did some online stalking for who might be the secret boyf of a girl I don't even know but stalking is fun. Paula is awes and we are going shopping together. I have a to-buy list because I am on a strict budget that I haven't set yet. I'm getting nervous/excited about my vaca because I don't like being out of my comfort-zone (my bedroom) but I love love love California and maybe want to live there someday.

Alrighty homes, I'm going to check on my cheesecake and my video upload is complete!!!
I know, it's awesome quality, you can compliment me on it if you wish.


Sunday, July 20, 2008


My computer has been unconnected to the internet and I have been sick so I apologize for the lack of blogging lately. Whatever did you do without me, internet community?

I have been getting sick quite often and I think it's because I quit eating fish and also because I'm around germy kids all day and although I take hand-washing breaks about every 10 minutes, it must not be sufficient to keep me safe and healthy. Well so I've spent my 4 days off feeling like my tonsils are about to fall out and my sinuses are about to burst open. 4 days off?? what's that? OH MY MOM FORCED ME TO CALL IN TO WORK. And really, I took a 3 hour nap and they probably didn't miss me anyway.

I did however, stay awake long enough to see Mamma Mia. Can we say most exciting/dance-a-rific/BRILL movie of the summer! I want to see it again and again, my mom bought me the soundtrack yesterday while I was sleeping on the couch. Then she stole it back and listened to it while she cooked french toast. Hella yes.

Also recently:
My boyf left to go on tour with his fave nu-metal/what genre is that anyway Puddle of Mudd. That's right, like Mudd jeans.
My cat Calliope scratched the shit out of my arm when I had to lock her in a bedroom while we had our front door painted. I was never scratched this bad in all my months working at a veterinarian's office, dammit Calliope.
I guess that's it.

I have 5 days left at camp, and 6 days until I am officially a cougar, 22???? and 8 days until I'm in California. WOOHOO
and now.. I am off to read Postsecret, which is the entire reason I reconnected my computer anyway

Friday, July 11, 2008


I am super grumpy. I really don't have a good reason except that sometimes I just get moody.

I really want things to be perfect right now and they are not... and by things I mean everything like why do I not have an awesome life!?
I mean sure it's ok, eh, whatev but not AWESOME
I could get specific, but I kind of already forgot what I was talking about which proves that I am just retarded and completely unreasonable.

Well ok, lately my extreme hypochondria has been popping up and I'm certain that I must have AIDS somehow. Well I'll let you guys know if I do. Although thinking rationally it would be almost impossible, still the other day I was positive I had some sort of intestine cancer because my stomach hurt for like a second.

Last night I did have a lot of fun. I played board games: Apples to Apples, Battle of the Sexes, and Cranium with Chris, Allison and Jesse, and this other couple Austin and Mandy who are getting married tonight in Vegas. Anyway all those games are hella fun and I wish I had more friends who lived here and liked board games as much as I do. Seriously I could play all night, unless I have to act out Jack Black in which case I would just stand there waiting for someone to remind me of what movies he was in. HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN SHALLOW HAL! Also I do get slightly overly competitive which could be annoying.

My birthday is coming up and I'm leaning towards a swimming-board game-fondue-80s theme.

Ok I'm not very grumpy anymore, thanks That 70s Show, Mimzy and blogspot!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

RoboReaders bookclub

My long-lost life-partner Lauren and I have decided to start a book club.
Here are my first choices:

1. A Feast of Snakes - Harry Crews
2. Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
3. How We Are Hungry - Dave Eggers

Our bookclub is open-invitation yo

Sunday, June 29, 2008

This weekend was:

1. seeing the omg cutest robot ever. SERIOUSLY Wall-E was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.
2. shopping with Emily B. and making the mistake of not setting a spending limit before I got there. Oh well, the tote awes boots and PURPLE JEANS are worth it bruhs.
3. eating delish and then walking it off (from the Boardwalk to Robinson Film Center) with my brotha from anotha motha, Mitch, and seeing Son of Rambow. Also good, but holy shit Wall-E, nothing is as cute as you are. Oh and then almost getting struck by lightning on the way back across the bridge.
4. a much-needed laundry day
5. .... eh that's pretty much it. I rented two more movies from the library which I will prob watch tomorrow. Also tomorrow.... THE RETURN OF MY BOYF FROM SUNNY LA (accompanied by my bffs Ken Smith and Timothy Treadwell)! And we have date-night, of the dress-up sort.

I am super pumped about:
Losing Anna on Friday
New Frontiers with THE HONORARY FUCKING TITLE on August 3rd in LA. wooooo

I want ice cream

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bitch of the day:

While shopping at Zoe's Closet, a store I don't usually go to unless I'm with Emily Birdwell for the reason that it is FULL of bitches (myself and Emily not included), I encountered a lady who won the daily award for this statement:
"Aaron is so cute, I don't know why he always dates those fat girls, what is he thinking"
To which I replied:
"Hey, people have different tastes"
To which she replied:
"No, I mean, these girls are fat"
I decided
against explaining to the lady that looks aren't everything but I knew she couldn't comprehend such a preposterous statement, I mean OF COURSE being fat means they are undateable.
I hate bitches.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I just painted my fingernails for the first time this year at least so far as I can remember. In fact typing on a keyboard is prob not the smartest thing to do with wet (and wild) nails but I get bored just sitting and waiting for them to dry. When painting my nails, I use the "more is more" mantra because missing a spot is way worse than going out of the actual fingernail boundary. I would so rather clean it later using a little trick of a Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover, or even better to just leave it there. Human error is beautiful!

I feel extremely free today because my dogs are at the groomer right now so I'm not obligated to sit with them constantly or walk downstairs every 10 minutes to check to make sure they are not tangled up in my mom's yarn, are not eating each other's food, have not eaten/mauled my rabbit, and are not peeing or pooping in the house.

My social life is seriously lacking lately because 1. my mom is out of town and I am the only one who will take care of the animals and 2. my boyf is out of town. Why do I always let myself become the annoying girl who is only friends with her boyfriend? I hate people like that. Chris, stop letting me hang out with only you and make me hang out with my own friends. It could also be that most of my friends suck (Darlene*) or have moved away (Cody, Allison, Lauren) or never want to hang out because their band is more important than our beautiful friendship (Mitch) or also that I'm anti-social and like to go to sleep at 10:30. All of these are possible explanations. But ok, this weekend FOR SURE I am doing something involving other human beings.

That is all... and my nails are almost dry!

* name has been changed to protect the LAME!

Friday, June 20, 2008


I lerve when Google lets me know what holiday it is. First day of summer!? Who knew!

Well... I got my plane ticket to CA. I was getting quite bummed thinking I wasn't going to be able to go.. but things worked out!

These days off (Thurs-Mon) have been WELL APPRECIATED. I love my job but I needed a break and I have been lazy to the max. I have been sitting around my house watching movies and reading/swimming outside. Oh and shopping, all by my lonesome.

Oh there is some drama between my mom and sister, and of course they can't keep it between themselves, no, our whole family must be involved and forced to choose sides, which really sucks for my sister b/c she's cra-zay.

Tonight I work at HT with my new manager HAAA, hope I don't get fired

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


everything's "eh"
this is unacceptable

Saturday, June 14, 2008


The girls behind me in line at Target:

(pointing to a magazine with Cameron Diaz) "You know why she looks weird? Her nose and top lip are too close together!"
"ohmygod you're totally right"
"Yeah I've always noticed it and it's always bothered me"
(pointing to some other magazine) "I heard she has really bad skin in real life and needs like a ton of makeup"
"ohmygod I heard that too, that sucks, she's not that pretty anyway"
(pointing to Katie Holmes) "She's pretty though"
"But she's not that skinny but her arms are too skinny"
(pointing to someone else) "OHMYGOD did you see that one picture of her in her bathing suit? HAHA!"

Their conversation continued like this for the entirety of my time spent checking out. I should have turned around and said "Excuse me, but do you look perfect? Are you the decider of how everyone else should look? No, no, I didn't think so."
I am completely disgusted and sick of this shite.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


it would be excellent if I could be in LA on August 3rd so I could see The Honorary Title.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

chris martin, books, vest guy, etc.

Years ago, my friend Lauren or possibly my friend Carrie or maybe even Allison and I were watching a Coldplay concert on tv. The following is something like the conversation we had:

Lizzie: "Why did Chris Martin draw two black lines on his hand?"
Lauren or maybe Carrie or Allison: ".... that is a tattoo, Lizzie"
Lizzie: "Oh... it looks like Sharpie"
LaurenCarrieAllison: "UGH, well I have seen that on his hand since the beginning of time, why would that be always on his hand then? It's a tattoo!"
Lizzie: "Well he could just keep drawing it on every night before a concert"

Well either Chris Martin had some stellar laser-removal or I was right, because the two black lines are no longer present.

I have decided that I like regular books more than books on tape because if you miss a little part it's easier to go back to.
I listen to a book on tape on my way to and from work (30 minute drive!!) and it's good and makes me feel productive but.. its just so inconvenient to have to rewind if I forget to pay attention for a second.

I have decided to be a nicer person. This decision began when I realized how much I kept making fun of "Vest Guy", everyone's favorite customer at Hot Topic.. After all, it's not his fault that he is the strangest person in the world. Vest Guy def deserves his own blog, but I am going to need to stop making paper vests and passing them out to coworkers and having a great laugh on Vest Guy's behalf.

I can't decide if I want to spend my summer free-time watching the Legally Blonde show on MTV or learning something useful like sewing or unicycling.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

summer, etc.

Well since my mom is in Wisconsin for this whole month and my boyf is working hard, my days are quite boring.

To stay busy I:

  • read

  • lay out WITH SUNSCREEN (I am not interested in skin cancer)

  • swim aka do "water olympics" which I made up when I was 9, they have been slightly altered because I used to have toys like hoops and those noodle things but they are long gone

  • watch movies (yesterday it was Elephant and Little Black Book)

  • take care of my high-maintenance pets: this requires sitting with my dogs to make sure they don't eat each others food and talking Garp for his bi-, sometimes tri-daily walk.

  • make elaborate snacks

  • hang out with Chris during the day

Starting Monday my boredom will significantly decrease, I will begin my new summer job, hopefully not as horrific as last summer's.
I am working at "Earth Camp" with Shreveport Green, at Walker B. Jacobs nature park (mosquitoes, poison ivy, snakes) with 7-10 year old kiddies. I'm a little nervous because I've never had authority over 30+ kids before, and I know nothing about what I'm doing... BUT I am excited because I get to do crafts and... I think it will be fun, we'll see!

There's a film festival at Robinson Film Center today/tonight. I want to go but me and Chris are both pretty broke and well, he has to work anyway. Blahh

OH I have some fab Andy Bloxham pics to share with my blog community... they aren't edited yet.

Here is one. and the rest will arrive shortly.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good Morning Starshine

The earth says hello!

Please notice the time of post.

I have begun a new routine of waking up super early to run with my dog. I've been up since 5:40... only now it's hard to go back to sleep so I decided a blog was an acceptable alternative.

Not quite sure why, but I am in a good mood. I think it has something to do with watching Scrubs last night. Scrubs is good.

Today is my dad's birthday! He doesn't like Scrubs because he says in real life doctors don't wear stethoscopes around their necks because it is impractical.

aand my boyf is returning home tonight/tomorrow :0)

Monday, May 19, 2008

things I feel like having:

Here is a basic list of things that I wouldn't mind having, and would greatly appreciate if anyone bought any of these things for me....


The car, not the man

Ok so I'm technically not allowing myself to have any new clothes. But I would gladly trade in one of my current t-shirts for this tote tite tee.


This is probably one of the coolest bags ever to exist and I must own it.
Miniature things are cute!

Of course I need this.
Who says you need a record player to collect records?

Shoes don't count as clothes.
Need it!
I guess that's about it, pretty reasonable I'd say.
I foresee a new blog (perhaps tomorrow) featuring the random pictures I have saved on my computer for various reasons.

ways to be productive during the summer:

I just finished watching all The Hills episodes I missed during the school year... I like that show too much for my own good.
Does anyone else like it? I feel the need to discuss it and my dislike for Lo (even though I liked her during Laguna Beach) but my new love of Stephanie. Isn't Stephanie cool?

  • watch a movie I rented from the library
  • CLEAN MY ROOM, at least a significant part
  • read a big chunk of AHWOSG so I can move on to the million other books on my list
  • look through awkward pictures from middle school so I can show Tina and we can make fun of 12-year-old-me together

I love summer

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I'm sorry but why is anyone shooting fireworks tonight? Is it a special holiday? No I don't think... well.... according to my calendar it is "Armed Forces Day" but this really doesn't need celebration! I hate fireworks because 1) they're loud and annoying, 2) they scare my cats and 3) I'm afraid one will come zooming through my window and blow up my bedroom.

There are other possible explanations for the loud booming noises. It could easily be a giant monster terrorizing the city such as King Kong, Godzilla, or the Cloverfield monster (or something like them of course). I really hope not and I don't know what I would do in that situation, which is lucky because I'm pretty sure it's fireworks.

Oh it just occured to me that this could be thunder? Oh... right.
Well that is bad also! These storms are crazy lately. I am happy that I live upstairs in case the whole damn street floods again. I would probably miss my car... and surely I would need to run downstairs to gather the pets and bring them up here with me... but it's unlikely to flood all the way upstairs. That is just absurd.. Lizzie, you are being ridiculous, and you should just go to sleep.

Monday, May 12, 2008

yes, yes

I am going to H-town today. For you lame-os who don't know the lingo, that's Houston.
This means:
fondue at The Melting Pot
American Apparel on a budget
Urban Outfitters on an EXTREME budget
a new Swatch Watch (my end-of-semester gift to myself)
probably a lot of delicious feasts b/c Houston has good restaurants
fun fun fun
and above all, a 3 day escape from the troubles of SHLA

Also today I got a job, it's from June 2-July 25 working with tasty children doing outdoor things. After that, California here I come.
But we have a while to go.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I'm gonna need my non-anorexic friends to update a little more frequently, so I can spy on your lives. It's reciprocity!


Friday, May 9, 2008

officially creeped out

After discussing Alan *. ***** with my acquaintances, I was forced to go back and delete his real name from my blog "NO WAY" just in case he ever does a google search for himself and finds me and rapes and murders me. This guy really is bad news, making his rounds through the parks, stalking photogenic girls with glasses.

This last week was the worst ever. I complain a lot.
I had finals. My Animal Behavior final was so completely horrible that by the end of the 12 pages, I couldn't remember if the word was "lost" or "lossed". I'm anxiously awaiting my grades to be posted, b/c if I failed this could put a damper on my life plans. All I have so far is A is Literature and the Environment and Environmental Studies (how the hell did I pull that off?), B in Statistics and A in Stats Lab. I'm expecting an A in Worldviews and hopefully hopefully a D in Animal Behavior!
Also I had one particular day where every little thing went wrong. I kept losing things/leaving things behind/dropping my entire box of tampons in the toilet.
My theatre banquet was "ok I guess", it's one of those things that you wait and wait for and get all dressed up and then when it comes it's just blah.
Also due to some difficult circumstances which were not under my control, I have been rather grumpy and angry at the world lately.

Oh Chris and I played cupid and set up our friends Jesse and Allison on a blind date. My intentions were not for them to act like such complete sluts, but eh it's whatever they want to do I guess.

But now summer is here! And I am ready to get over the horrible news which has kept me falling apart lately. Maybe I should sleep for a full day, then wake up, cry for a full day, then sleep for another full day and I'll be ok.

I think tomorrow I am going to a bridal shower and the BPCC theatre banquet. I just want to wear my purple dress.
TONIGHT maybe Chris and I are going to the Robinson Film Center.
Don't read this Alan, don't stalk me!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Dear blog community,

I am done with all my hard finals. Now all I have is an easy one tomorrow, then I'm done for the summer.

Sorry for slacking on the bloggin, I know you all check this multiple times a day to see if I've updated.

Forch, I will probably have a fabulous blog tomorrow when I really am done.

Now hopefully I didn't fail Animal Behavior because that would really suck and screw up my life plans.


Friday, May 2, 2008

I just typed this whole thing but it did not save


I woke up at approx. 4AM and thought WHAT A GREAT TIME TO STUDY STATISTICS so I did.
I heard my mom wake up at 5:30 so I went downstairs to say hello/play with my rabbit and my poodle. I drank some delicious V8 Splash and took a vitamin because I always forget to take my vitamin!
This proved to be a horrible idea because after I decided to go back to sleep at 6, I was JOLTED awake and had to rush to the bathroom to projectile vomit my V8 Splash.
Later I was able to go back to sleep, this is the dream I had:

I was walking down Line Ave. attempting to walk toward Southfield but somehow I got completely turned around and was almost at Stoner when I finally realized I was going the wrong way. I was really confused about how I didn't notice that I was going the wrong direction. I saw someone I knew and told them about how I was disoriented. I was about to walk back home but she said "why don't you take the bus!" which happened to be RIGHT THERE (so convenient in dreams).
On the bus I saw Emily Birdwell, she told the bus driver to take me to my house. Not just my street, but my house. And Emily came with me.
While on the bus, or maybe while I was walking, I received a text message from Crystal that said "lizard dieies" which clearly meant that my lizard had died. (I don't know anyone named Crystal.)
When I got home, there was a party in my backyard and I had to step over people to get inside. I went to check on Oz, my lizard, and there were flies flying around his little cave. Then he started crawling around his cage and breaking into little pieces. I felt really bad.
I decided to take a shower, and Emily decided to sit in my bathroom on a nonexistent chair to look at magazines from my magazine tower (which isn't real). I kept having to go downstairs about 500 times to get shampoo because I kept getting the wrong kinds when I wanted "Massive Attack" brand. btw, I don't think that is a real brand and I certainly don't use it if it is. Why was my shampoo downstairs anyway?
Sometime around then I woke up, and I saw what appeared to be a tiny glowing alien pod in my dresser.

Then I went to get stats help from Dr. Weeks.

Now I am probably going to go back to sleep again after I watch this show about rescuing sea turtles on Animal Planet. They get caught up in barbed lines (for fishing) and sometimes they die.
This is awful and needs to be stopped. Sea turtles are far too cute to be killed like that.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Plastic Bottle Chair

I guess my plastic bottle chair is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN because my mom has just depleted me of my plastic bottle supply.
She made me collect from my room, hallway, and car and count them (which took all morning) so she can take them to her school, where they have been collecting all year.
They are trying to raise 15,000 so they can win some contest and the plastic bottles will be made into fleece jackets (??) which is a good cause and ok probably a better idea than a plastic bottle chair.

I have my stats lab final in about an hour, but I think taking my dog for a walk and seeing how many bracelets I can fit on my arms is more important than studying.

Monday, April 28, 2008

"If she seems as lonely as me, let her sink"

For part of my final project for my Worldviews class, I am making a cd with everyone in my class' favorite songs. It's a really cool idea actually, and I think you can tell a lot about a person by listening to their favorite song. For another part of my final, I am making a vase collage, I will take a picture, it will be beautiful.

HERE is the list of songs, obviously #7 is mine:

1. When the Levee Breaks – Led Zeppelin
2. The Noose – A Perfect Circle
3. 99 Red Balloons – Bjork
4. Fever – Michael Buble
5. What You Are To Me – Unkle
6. I Want You (She’s So Heavy) – The Beatles
7. If Works Permits – The Format
8. Change (In the House of Flies) – Deftones
9. Down to You – Joni Mitchell
10. Tonight, Tonight – Smashing Pumpkins
11. The Lighthouse’s Tale – Nickel Creek
12. Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles
13. That I Would Be Good – Alanis Morissette
14. Walk – Blind Melon
15. Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison
16. Spoonful – Etta James
17. Burn One Down – Ben Harper

Sunday, April 27, 2008

brand new start

It has recently been brought to my attention this phenomenon of girls sending nude pictures to guys on myspace. My friend Brady showed me some of these pictures, and seriously girls. Have some dignity. Respect yourselves! Don't give it away like that! He said "they think I'm hot". You know, that doesn't mean you should take a picture of your boobs and share them with the world, ok.

I realize I never told the story of my amazing trip down Trinity River in Dallas. My environmental studies class did a canoeing field trip. First me and the girl I was with were too slow so the other canoes got impatient and made us switch. Then the guy I was with was going superfast, and I hardly had to paddle. Then we came across a difficult situation... we ran into a tree and tipped into the river!! I swam in the rushing waters for about 10 minutes before I was finally rescued. I had to strip down to prevent hypothermia and was forced to wear various classmates jackets. Then they tipped our canoe back over and we had to continue!! I was hoping maybe I could chill on the banks while the rest of my class drove back to pick me up or something, I guess I hoped that falling in the river was a good reason for not having to complete the field trip, but no... Well I lost my paddle while I was drowning, so I had no control and the guy steered me into ANOTHER tree. It was fabulous. Lizzie the outdoorsy explorer.

What else? I only have 6 days of class/finals left this semester, I feel a mysterious tooth growing in where my wisdom teeth were supposed to be removed, and I am on a hunt for perfect shoes to go with my dress for theatre banquet. That is it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Dear child,

I only did to you what the sparrow did to you
I am old when it is fashionable to be young
I cry when it is fashionable to laugh
I hated you when it would have taken less courage to love"

Monday, April 21, 2008

sorry to dwell on this but...

ok Nate Ruess, did you time-travel to invade my brain and write your songs??
I mean really, what the hell is this about??:

"I'm sure they all agree.
They take you home to help make you forget about me.
When they turn to sleep, you're wide awake,
You spend the whole night staring up at the ceiling.
Don't justify, now you're no better than Justine."


ummm ok
wow eerie creepy

the day after

two comforts:
1. knowing that my cat Mimzy has nowhere else she would rather be than by my side
even though she snores and is sometimes annoying
2. knowing that Nate Ruess' girlfriend clearly did the same thing or how else would The Format's songs be so appropriate for my despair?

I am torn between wanting to keep this between us because it's no one else's business (esp. not you ash!bash!ash!) and desperately needing someone to talk to.

And, I always seem to get sick at the worst times. This mound of kleenexes next to me is getting taller by the minute. oh but JUST NOW my mom informed me that she got me kleenex with LOTION! so much better than the regular kind

The good news is this:
Today my brother has one year sober!! hooray!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


what is this "only you" bullshit!!

only me, plus 2 (or more!) other girls?????


"I don't want to live
I don't want to die"

"They say all bad things come in threes
Well the last year has made the last three look so easy
You were supposed to keep the disease between you and me"

"Lizzie, I want us to always be open and honest with each other"

WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WYWWHLIUYWKER KH Kkjfdhlufhsdjfkjzhkfuilskrnclisufciuyhgnmcvmx,jkl;


I NEVER thought that I could get so upset about something that it would make me throw up

this is the WORST

I can't believe you would do that, why did you do it? I didn't think you were like that and now I feel like everything I ever believed is wrong.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



I need sleep but I also need to desperately share this hilarious news with the world!

Ok so about 2 years ago, Chris and I came across this crazy character in the park named Alan *. ***** and we have been obsessed with him ever since.

I made this picture who knows how long ago:

Anyway, he approaches us in the park one sunny April afternoon and says "Do these glasses make me look dorky?" !! Well ok, not so weird, but he proceeds to converse with us, all the while Chris and I exchange glances like "why is he talking to us, why is he rocking back and forth, etc" He then informs us that he is a photographer and gives Chris his card (how we know his name) and then states "I'll do your friend" a double entendre for "I'll take pictures of her while DOING her!" (and Chris nods to this). I politely decline and we point him in another direction to ask more people if he can take their picture and he mysteriously vanishes. He was seriously the weirdest person I have ever come into contact with.
AND ok, I just got this email at my school account:
subject: Crime Bulletin
At approximately 5:15 this afternoon two students reported a suspicious maleon Jones Rice field attempting to take photographs of females sunbathing.The subject was described as a heavyset white male approximately 6 feet tallwith black hair wearing black rimmed glasses. The male subject was wearingblue jeans and a blue T-shirt with a pink moose. After a search of the areaofficers discovered the male matching the description. The subject wasidentified as a male who has been banned from campus previously. He was arrested and charged with Entry after Being Forbidden. Contact theCentenary College Police Department at 869-5000 if you have had any negativeencounters with a male subject seeking to take your photograph.

It's ALAN******!!!
I know it!
He would TOTALLY wear a pink moose shirt!
I don't want him to be arrested though. I mean he is weird but most likely harmless. I am not going to tell DPS because well my occurence wasn't on campus and it was hilarious providing for countless hours of laughter, he should get a medal or something.

(Chris should definitely share his picture that he made on Paint, proving that me and Chris are way creepier than Alan ever was.)

tonight, tonight

I sure would love to see Tuesday's Debut tonight at StabCity.

unfort I have multitudes of homework to keep me busy allll night long.

Luckily though on Friday I will have time to tell all my loyal readers about my week/weekend/week AND maybe some PLOGS to spice things up!

Monday, April 14, 2008


my internet connection has reappeared.

plenty of blogs a-coming!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"Alf Annoyances"

Last night
after work
my boyf surprised me with The Format Dog Problems vinyl... if only I had a record player to play it on.
This is seriously an awesome thing to own.

Let me just talk about how much I love Band of Horses lately. Wowowowow they are amazing for my ears to behold. I will certainly play them on my radio show tonight, which I will be doing without Allison because she is in Houston. I sometimes like doing it by myself.

Also I just ordered this most wonderful dress EVER from etsy. Hopefully it will be just as wonderful when it arrives, then all I need are shoes, and I'm theatre-banquet-ready.

This morning my parents + Garp and I walked to Starbucks. Walking is cooler than driving, and I wish we had another less-corporate location to walk to.

~!*lIzZiE*!~ BAHAH

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I broke my 50+ day no-meat streak. I ate shrimp for dinner. I suck at being vegetarian.
I used to think eating fish/seafood was ok and not really meat, but ohhh who am I kidding. We are all alive.

I failed my 2nd Animal Behavior test with flying colors. bahaha
You might think I mean 2nd out of two tests. Which is true, yes. But I also mean the 2nd one I've failed.
Seriously, that multiple choice, wtf

In happier news,
today in World Views Dr. Hendricks came to our class to be a guest speaker. I like him. There are only a few professors I've really liked in college. They are mentioned in the following list:
1. Dr. Hendricks
2. Dr. Stafford
3. maybe Dr. Demerath
4. maybe Dr. Vanhoosier-Carey
5. maybe Dr. Weeks

They are just cool dudes.

I'm about to have to register for classes next semester. I need Acting Character Development and Directing fo sho, both taught by my mortal enemy.
No really, I'm bitter because she did not cast me in the show. Ok alllll I wanted was to be in that damn show
But WHATEV I'm over it, I'm going to embrace my last semester. I take that statement back^^^
Also I need a 300 level humanities core. The possibilities are:
1. Boring religion class
2. Boring religion class 2
3. Boring religion class 3
4. Boring history class

We shall see.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

good morning self!

it's about.. 11 am. I am at the moment motivating myself to get out of bed. I set my alarm for 9 but hit the snooze like 5 times and then finally opened my eyes to watch "True Hollywood Story of Jessica and Ashlee Simpson" and I also did some shop-browsing online.

Last night was wonderful, for me at least!! I tried to make a surprise party for Chris but really ended up not being so much of a surprise since I parked next to Kenny oops.
BUT I was really happy that I could get most of his friends there, and it meant a lot to me that his band and everyone else came. I think he was happy too.
Well THEN after a delicious dinner at Le Macaroni Grill, we went to Sharpie's
Emily and I rocked the karaaaoke with our beautiful rendition of "She Fucking Hates Me lerlerlerlelrlr" PRRDLE OF MRRDD! TRUST!
Of course Ken, I mean Robert Goulet, outsang everyone once again. Dammit, there is just no competition!!

So TODAY I have to:
1. statistics lab for ANIMAL BEHAVIOR!!!
3. read for world views and knowledge-gather
4. read an entire novel for env. lit. (highly unlikely that this one will get completed)
5. watch ANTM

Yesterday I finished my Animal Behavior paper, it just feels so good to check things off my to-do list!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have something very exciting.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I just stayed up until 12:30 doing Statistics homework on a Saturday night

woooo college

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

one problem:

I really can't give anything away. I really can't throw anything away.

It causes me great anxiety to throw some useless piece of not-trash in the garbage, and I seriously dread my mom's trips to Goodwill.

This problem, as my therapist (a long time ago ok) called "hording", is the probable cause for my insanely messy lifestyle. I like to keep everything, I mean what if I need it someday?? What if I want to do a craft with it?

YES I have trashcans spaced throughout my room, but I hardly ever empty them. Because maybe I threw something away that I didn't mean to throw away and will want to get out someday.

It's disgusting really. It needs to be stopped.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Oh geeeeez
I was so caught up in my dramatic problems that I forgot about the awesomeness of the 1st half of my spring break.
Losing Anna was amazing.
Chris came home from his lame-o tour and we did such activities as the movie quiz, watching Doomsday with Ken, playing Apples to Apples with Ken and his parents, and eating fondue.
Also I failed to mention that the chimps were pretty awesome.

I will post pictures later, I promise to all my readers. bahahaa

Now... Reasons why I left xanga:
1. I'm bored of it
2. my only subscriptions who actually still utilize xanga are these girls who constantly talk about their weight/dieting.. I do not need to be reading that.

I suppose now would be a good time to start my Animal Behavior question set.
PS: Animal Behavior sucks

byye :o)

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Night of Homework

Perhaps you will all appreciate the time taken out of my busy night to write this blog.I really need a break.LUCKY FOR YOU this break will be filled with complaints:

You see I just spent about 4 hours doing statistics homework, and just when I was almost done,, noticed that I had been doing the whole thing wrong! So I attempted to redo it, but its STILL wrong because none of the answers are anywhere close to what they're supposed to be!!!
ALSO I have a paper due tomorrow that I haven't had a chance to write because I've spent this whole day doing statistics. ALSO I have to write my paper for World Views about World History, which is boringggggggg and I can't focus my eyes on the damn page.

You might ask, why, Lizzie, WHY did you wait until the last day of spring break to do this weeks amount of homework?? The answer is because I'm a complete dumbass who hasn't yet developed time management skills by her LAST YEAR OF COLLEGE!!!! Plus my spring break has been lacking in the fun activities of most college students and has instead been spent: observing chimps for 10+ hours, cleaning my room, and working almost every day.

ON TOP OF ALL THIS I have been extremely moody lately, which is very unfortunate for Chris because he has to listen to me cry/complain/get mad for no reason nearly every night.

I hate today.

PS: You know I tried to bring back xanga, it just didn't work. Hopefully I will have more luck with spandex shorts and fanny packs.