Saturday, September 27, 2008

I almost forgot!...

Here is a list of careers I wouldn't mind having:
Fashion Designer
Graphic Designer
Art Therapist
Animal Therapist
Animal Behaviorist
Social Psychologist
Casting Director

I'm sure there are more.. I am just starting to explore my (very expensive) options...

oh hey weekend

guyz I really wish I was at ACL right about now< I mean I love you BAND OF HORSES but I also love hanging out in my bathing suit from AA all day.


OK FUCK the fucking Kings of fucking Leon are brill/perf/awes/amaz. I want Only by the Night inside my blood right now, I crave it, I can't stop listening to it, especially Cold Desert which is the most emosh(!ha) song I have heard in.. I don't know. This album is quickly making its way to Dog Problems/Clarity/Deja Entendu/Scream and Light Up the Sky status with me.

Ok last time I did a play at BPCC I had friends and talked, yeah, now its like only about two or three people actively engage in conversation with me..well they'll small-talk during rehearsal but eh. It could be because I just sit there and bite my nails the whole time, although it's a catch 22 unforch. There's this one guy who just stares at me creepily, one girl is a lying whore who feels the need to sit on guys' laps instead of just in her own damn chair. I like everyone else.

I really need to go to the grocery store and get some milk right now, yesterday I ran out so I tried to mix it with soy milk and UEHGHGGHH NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!

PS Game Night Sunday

Monday, September 22, 2008


uhh ever since I got the super duper media package for my CrackBerry I have not been getting on my computer very often, hence no blogs. But all that is about to change because it takes me too damn long to scroll through the websites on my phone (although it is good for "what movie was that guy in?")

Ok, to add to that last blog, I'd like to mention these ladies who remind me that I'm straight because I hate women:
Angelina Jolie (ok when she made out w her bro, but now she's a husband-stealer)
Scarlett Johanson (ok in like 2 movies, everything else I refuse to see b/c she's in it)
Juliette Lewis (ok in The Other Sister, which is a documentary about her life)

Here is what's going on with me at the moment:

Absolutely Nothing

GREAT RIGHT? blahh well ok, maybe a couple of things, like I might be (hopefully) getting a second job at Starbucks. I might be going to graduate school. I don't know yet, it's a big deal.

Oh yeah I need these cds:
Kings of Leon, comes out tomorrow, I watched the video when I was up at 5 something this morning and they are singing clearer than ever before
Jack's Mannequin, brill
and these movies:
Young at Heart
Purple Rain

there's my shopping list. Aren't you glad I told you

Monday, September 8, 2008

Girls that are H O T and I'm not a lesbian:

seriously though, if I WAS a lez, I would like these fine ladies:

Adriana Lima
Ashlee Simpson
Mandy Moore
Christina Aguilera
Megan Ewing
Megan Fox
Camilla Belle
Nicole Richie

Friday, September 5, 2008

Notes on teeth-brushing

The guy on Martin's brain-age game (which I played a lot in California and I'm having withdrawals, someone please buy me a Nintendo DS) told me that it would stimulate my pre-frontal cortex if I brushed my teeth with my non-dominant hand. I tried it this morning and it is FUCKING HARD/IMPOSSIBLE. I couldn't successfully complete the job; I had to switch back to my regular hand to ensure adequate brushing. You guys should try it, let me know how it goes for you.

Also I've been meaning to try this phenomenon called brushing your teeth in the shower. I just love multi-tasking, especially in the morning when I'm moving at an extra slow pace to get ready for school... brushing my teeth in the shower could be just what I need!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tim the Gymnast:

here i am...

during this LOVELY hurricane weather which I am enjoying at the moment (it has been contantly raining since last night) and while school is cancelled, I've decided to work on my ideas/inventions:

1. fortune tampons
2. no-no camel-toe.. I'm not sure what it is yet. but it will def be available for purchase at American Apparel, you know once I get the patent and design and blah blah blah
3. a book told from the point of view of the headless horseman... kind of like Wicked and that one about Scrooge
4. a fashion line inspired entirely by Clarissa from Clarissa Explains It All. also this could develop into a furniture/room design. damn she was badass