Monday, July 28, 2008

goodbye shla

It's about 4:30 AM and I'm so damn nervous about going to California that I cannot sleep! I get really anxious about travelling sometimes.

I'm still not packed fully. By fully I mean I haven't completely emptied out my suitcase from the last trip I went on. But I have like all my clothes laid out, LUCKILY my cats thought the pile of clothes was their nest to sleep on so now it's full of cat hair. Ugh

Since last time:
I finished my job! I have mixed feelings, you know bittersweet. Eh
I went to the gynocologist. I know that's not something to usually share but gynocologists have endless awkward situations and I can think of a million hilarious scenarios involving that stylish paper vest. Perhaps soon I will post a list of those, but not today my friends.
I turned 22!!! And my party was fab and suitable for a 12-year old, which is perfectly fine with me.

Don't you hate when you have a perfectly comfortable routine that you enjoy, but you don't even appreciate it until it's over forever?? I've been bummed about that lately, but it's a problem because I seem to thrive on change.

Anyway that's pretty much all I have to say at these wee hours, I'm planning on going back to sleep and waking up at 7 to finish getting my shitttt together.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

hi beautifuls

While I'm uploading a video to youtube, I thought, what a good time for a blog!
And all while my television is stuck on Family Channel. Well by stuck I mean my remote's batteries ran out and I refuse to take the 10 steps to my television to turn it off/change the channel. And oh what a weird show I am watching, it's about a pregnant girl.
Anyway I thought sharing my innermost thoughts with you lovely people would be a better idea. PLUS if you're lucky, my video will be completely uploaded by the time I'm done so you guys can watch it!! Yes!!
Although I don't know how far I'm going to get since my cats are insistent upon fighting right next to me and I have to keep holding them apart.
Do you like this rambling? Ok, I'll continue.

I have a cheesecake baking in the oven and a DJ meeting at 8. I heard "fucking" on the radio today, I'm thinking about telling because being a tattle-tale is hilarious. Once my manager Bonny and I laughed for like an hour about how funny it is to tell on people.

I will be 22 in 4 days, that feels really old to me even though it's not really that old. I think it's about time for my quarter-life crisis. Only I watched House last night so I'm sure I'll die either today or tomorrow in which case it is my full-life crisis.

I talked to my fab friend Paula last night and I did some online stalking for who might be the secret boyf of a girl I don't even know but stalking is fun. Paula is awes and we are going shopping together. I have a to-buy list because I am on a strict budget that I haven't set yet. I'm getting nervous/excited about my vaca because I don't like being out of my comfort-zone (my bedroom) but I love love love California and maybe want to live there someday.

Alrighty homes, I'm going to check on my cheesecake and my video upload is complete!!!
I know, it's awesome quality, you can compliment me on it if you wish.


Sunday, July 20, 2008


My computer has been unconnected to the internet and I have been sick so I apologize for the lack of blogging lately. Whatever did you do without me, internet community?

I have been getting sick quite often and I think it's because I quit eating fish and also because I'm around germy kids all day and although I take hand-washing breaks about every 10 minutes, it must not be sufficient to keep me safe and healthy. Well so I've spent my 4 days off feeling like my tonsils are about to fall out and my sinuses are about to burst open. 4 days off?? what's that? OH MY MOM FORCED ME TO CALL IN TO WORK. And really, I took a 3 hour nap and they probably didn't miss me anyway.

I did however, stay awake long enough to see Mamma Mia. Can we say most exciting/dance-a-rific/BRILL movie of the summer! I want to see it again and again, my mom bought me the soundtrack yesterday while I was sleeping on the couch. Then she stole it back and listened to it while she cooked french toast. Hella yes.

Also recently:
My boyf left to go on tour with his fave nu-metal/what genre is that anyway Puddle of Mudd. That's right, like Mudd jeans.
My cat Calliope scratched the shit out of my arm when I had to lock her in a bedroom while we had our front door painted. I was never scratched this bad in all my months working at a veterinarian's office, dammit Calliope.
I guess that's it.

I have 5 days left at camp, and 6 days until I am officially a cougar, 22???? and 8 days until I'm in California. WOOHOO
and now.. I am off to read Postsecret, which is the entire reason I reconnected my computer anyway

Friday, July 11, 2008


I am super grumpy. I really don't have a good reason except that sometimes I just get moody.

I really want things to be perfect right now and they are not... and by things I mean everything like why do I not have an awesome life!?
I mean sure it's ok, eh, whatev but not AWESOME
I could get specific, but I kind of already forgot what I was talking about which proves that I am just retarded and completely unreasonable.

Well ok, lately my extreme hypochondria has been popping up and I'm certain that I must have AIDS somehow. Well I'll let you guys know if I do. Although thinking rationally it would be almost impossible, still the other day I was positive I had some sort of intestine cancer because my stomach hurt for like a second.

Last night I did have a lot of fun. I played board games: Apples to Apples, Battle of the Sexes, and Cranium with Chris, Allison and Jesse, and this other couple Austin and Mandy who are getting married tonight in Vegas. Anyway all those games are hella fun and I wish I had more friends who lived here and liked board games as much as I do. Seriously I could play all night, unless I have to act out Jack Black in which case I would just stand there waiting for someone to remind me of what movies he was in. HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN SHALLOW HAL! Also I do get slightly overly competitive which could be annoying.

My birthday is coming up and I'm leaning towards a swimming-board game-fondue-80s theme.

Ok I'm not very grumpy anymore, thanks That 70s Show, Mimzy and blogspot!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

RoboReaders bookclub

My long-lost life-partner Lauren and I have decided to start a book club.
Here are my first choices:

1. A Feast of Snakes - Harry Crews
2. Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
3. How We Are Hungry - Dave Eggers

Our bookclub is open-invitation yo