Sunday, June 29, 2008

This weekend was:

1. seeing the omg cutest robot ever. SERIOUSLY Wall-E was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.
2. shopping with Emily B. and making the mistake of not setting a spending limit before I got there. Oh well, the tote awes boots and PURPLE JEANS are worth it bruhs.
3. eating delish and then walking it off (from the Boardwalk to Robinson Film Center) with my brotha from anotha motha, Mitch, and seeing Son of Rambow. Also good, but holy shit Wall-E, nothing is as cute as you are. Oh and then almost getting struck by lightning on the way back across the bridge.
4. a much-needed laundry day
5. .... eh that's pretty much it. I rented two more movies from the library which I will prob watch tomorrow. Also tomorrow.... THE RETURN OF MY BOYF FROM SUNNY LA (accompanied by my bffs Ken Smith and Timothy Treadwell)! And we have date-night, of the dress-up sort.

I am super pumped about:
Losing Anna on Friday
New Frontiers with THE HONORARY FUCKING TITLE on August 3rd in LA. wooooo

I want ice cream

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bitch of the day:

While shopping at Zoe's Closet, a store I don't usually go to unless I'm with Emily Birdwell for the reason that it is FULL of bitches (myself and Emily not included), I encountered a lady who won the daily award for this statement:
"Aaron is so cute, I don't know why he always dates those fat girls, what is he thinking"
To which I replied:
"Hey, people have different tastes"
To which she replied:
"No, I mean, these girls are fat"
I decided
against explaining to the lady that looks aren't everything but I knew she couldn't comprehend such a preposterous statement, I mean OF COURSE being fat means they are undateable.
I hate bitches.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I just painted my fingernails for the first time this year at least so far as I can remember. In fact typing on a keyboard is prob not the smartest thing to do with wet (and wild) nails but I get bored just sitting and waiting for them to dry. When painting my nails, I use the "more is more" mantra because missing a spot is way worse than going out of the actual fingernail boundary. I would so rather clean it later using a little trick of a Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover, or even better to just leave it there. Human error is beautiful!

I feel extremely free today because my dogs are at the groomer right now so I'm not obligated to sit with them constantly or walk downstairs every 10 minutes to check to make sure they are not tangled up in my mom's yarn, are not eating each other's food, have not eaten/mauled my rabbit, and are not peeing or pooping in the house.

My social life is seriously lacking lately because 1. my mom is out of town and I am the only one who will take care of the animals and 2. my boyf is out of town. Why do I always let myself become the annoying girl who is only friends with her boyfriend? I hate people like that. Chris, stop letting me hang out with only you and make me hang out with my own friends. It could also be that most of my friends suck (Darlene*) or have moved away (Cody, Allison, Lauren) or never want to hang out because their band is more important than our beautiful friendship (Mitch) or also that I'm anti-social and like to go to sleep at 10:30. All of these are possible explanations. But ok, this weekend FOR SURE I am doing something involving other human beings.

That is all... and my nails are almost dry!

* name has been changed to protect the LAME!

Friday, June 20, 2008


I lerve when Google lets me know what holiday it is. First day of summer!? Who knew!

Well... I got my plane ticket to CA. I was getting quite bummed thinking I wasn't going to be able to go.. but things worked out!

These days off (Thurs-Mon) have been WELL APPRECIATED. I love my job but I needed a break and I have been lazy to the max. I have been sitting around my house watching movies and reading/swimming outside. Oh and shopping, all by my lonesome.

Oh there is some drama between my mom and sister, and of course they can't keep it between themselves, no, our whole family must be involved and forced to choose sides, which really sucks for my sister b/c she's cra-zay.

Tonight I work at HT with my new manager HAAA, hope I don't get fired

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


everything's "eh"
this is unacceptable

Saturday, June 14, 2008


The girls behind me in line at Target:

(pointing to a magazine with Cameron Diaz) "You know why she looks weird? Her nose and top lip are too close together!"
"ohmygod you're totally right"
"Yeah I've always noticed it and it's always bothered me"
(pointing to some other magazine) "I heard she has really bad skin in real life and needs like a ton of makeup"
"ohmygod I heard that too, that sucks, she's not that pretty anyway"
(pointing to Katie Holmes) "She's pretty though"
"But she's not that skinny but her arms are too skinny"
(pointing to someone else) "OHMYGOD did you see that one picture of her in her bathing suit? HAHA!"

Their conversation continued like this for the entirety of my time spent checking out. I should have turned around and said "Excuse me, but do you look perfect? Are you the decider of how everyone else should look? No, no, I didn't think so."
I am completely disgusted and sick of this shite.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


it would be excellent if I could be in LA on August 3rd so I could see The Honorary Title.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

chris martin, books, vest guy, etc.

Years ago, my friend Lauren or possibly my friend Carrie or maybe even Allison and I were watching a Coldplay concert on tv. The following is something like the conversation we had:

Lizzie: "Why did Chris Martin draw two black lines on his hand?"
Lauren or maybe Carrie or Allison: ".... that is a tattoo, Lizzie"
Lizzie: "Oh... it looks like Sharpie"
LaurenCarrieAllison: "UGH, well I have seen that on his hand since the beginning of time, why would that be always on his hand then? It's a tattoo!"
Lizzie: "Well he could just keep drawing it on every night before a concert"

Well either Chris Martin had some stellar laser-removal or I was right, because the two black lines are no longer present.

I have decided that I like regular books more than books on tape because if you miss a little part it's easier to go back to.
I listen to a book on tape on my way to and from work (30 minute drive!!) and it's good and makes me feel productive but.. its just so inconvenient to have to rewind if I forget to pay attention for a second.

I have decided to be a nicer person. This decision began when I realized how much I kept making fun of "Vest Guy", everyone's favorite customer at Hot Topic.. After all, it's not his fault that he is the strangest person in the world. Vest Guy def deserves his own blog, but I am going to need to stop making paper vests and passing them out to coworkers and having a great laugh on Vest Guy's behalf.

I can't decide if I want to spend my summer free-time watching the Legally Blonde show on MTV or learning something useful like sewing or unicycling.