Sunday, April 27, 2008

brand new start

It has recently been brought to my attention this phenomenon of girls sending nude pictures to guys on myspace. My friend Brady showed me some of these pictures, and seriously girls. Have some dignity. Respect yourselves! Don't give it away like that! He said "they think I'm hot". You know, that doesn't mean you should take a picture of your boobs and share them with the world, ok.

I realize I never told the story of my amazing trip down Trinity River in Dallas. My environmental studies class did a canoeing field trip. First me and the girl I was with were too slow so the other canoes got impatient and made us switch. Then the guy I was with was going superfast, and I hardly had to paddle. Then we came across a difficult situation... we ran into a tree and tipped into the river!! I swam in the rushing waters for about 10 minutes before I was finally rescued. I had to strip down to prevent hypothermia and was forced to wear various classmates jackets. Then they tipped our canoe back over and we had to continue!! I was hoping maybe I could chill on the banks while the rest of my class drove back to pick me up or something, I guess I hoped that falling in the river was a good reason for not having to complete the field trip, but no... Well I lost my paddle while I was drowning, so I had no control and the guy steered me into ANOTHER tree. It was fabulous. Lizzie the outdoorsy explorer.

What else? I only have 6 days of class/finals left this semester, I feel a mysterious tooth growing in where my wisdom teeth were supposed to be removed, and I am on a hunt for perfect shoes to go with my dress for theatre banquet. That is it.

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